Monday, October 15, 2012

Words on a Runway

"So it's going to be a matter of taste, which you have absolutely no control over," he said, studying the garment with one arm crossed over his dapper Armani, a finger at his lips.  Then, somewhat off the cuff, he paid the designer his highest compliment: "This couldn't be more you."
I love Project Runway.  I love watching the designers make it work or get Auf'd.  I love to hear Tim edit their creations with his thoughtful observations.  And although they work in fabric and color, styles and sketches, and I work with words, there are similarities in our vocations. 
-We can listen to lots of advice, but in the end, it's our own choices that make the cut.   
-We can lose an idea in the details or be too literal with our work, but we can also pull together something amazing without even being sure where it came from.
-We can not make anyone love what we do.  As the venerable Tim has said, it's a matter of taste. 
-We keep working, hoping someone will get it, and we keep trying to get it ourselves.  They wield scissors and I wield a pen as we search for the elusive ideas we want to share, the ideas that make Tim Gunn say, "This couldn't be more you."  That's when we know we nailed it.
Oh, and there's one final similarity:  we get to have meltdowns just before showtime.  "Thank you Mood!"