Even this lovely drive along what's literally called Scenic Highway would get old day in and day out. These pictures, taken out my car window, don't do justice to the beauty and diversity of my drive along the causeways and waterways, the mansions and hilltop overlooks, the moors found in Milton. And right now, the azaleas are blooming everywhere. It's breathtaking.

On my drive to work, though, one of my favorite things to do is look for new things. One house has two dog statues that look completely real, but they can't be; they haven't moved in all this time. I've named them Liz and Eddie. During the holidays someone had a 20-foot blow-up of Rudolph's Abominable Snowman in their front yard. There's no telling what's going on at the gold house with it's fountains and Bentleys!

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