Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jeannie Zokan Signs With Red Adept Publishing!

Well it finally happened. After querying approximately thirty-five agents and publishing houses, The Existence of Pity will be published!On Friday the 13th of November, Red Adept Publishing sent an email saying, "Congratulations. Your book has advanced to the second stage of our acquisitions process." The next morning, Lynn McNamee, owner of RAP, called and asked if I would consider switching genres from Young Adult to Women's Fiction. Of course! She also wanted to know why I had the book professionally edited. "I didn't," I told her. "The book just went through a few years of critique groups." Thank you thank you thank you West Florida Literary Federation!Chris and the girls were headed off to school on the following Monday morning when Lynn called again. This time she told me her team had read my manuscript, "and it was unanimous...(loooong pause for dramatic effect)... we want to publish your book."
Squealing? Cavorting? Sheer gleefilled laughter? Lynn told me I just might be the most enthusiastic author she's ever signed!
So my picture has been taken, my bio written, and my website is up and running.  Visit it and sign up for my newsletter! Here's the link:
I suppose I'm most excited about being in a "stable" of authors. Check it out here:!/Browse-by-Author/c/12029045/offset=0&sort=normal
And now we wait. The content editor will edit my book in February and we will go from there. I'll keep you posted!

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