wrote this post six years ago, and wanted
to share it again with an update at the end.
Chris and I finally took an axe to Our Marriage. It had to be done, but it was
a scary step, and now that it's over, I feel much better. Our Marriage had
grown out of control, literally bursting out of its container, exposing its
roots to such a degree that we were worried about its survival.
I'm sorry, did you think I was talking about our marriage? No, no. I'm
talking about a plant -- a lady palm we received on our wedding day fifteen
years ago. At first we ignored it, which is probably a wise thing to do to a
marriage. Five years later, when we moved to the house we live in now, we
transferred the plant to a bigger container and left it to its own devices on
the driveway, where it silently grew bigger and bigger over the years. We
started calling it Our Marriage and were happy that it was a healthy home to a
family of lizards and a welcome sight when we came home every day. After
a while it started bothering me that the plant's job was to hide the trash can,
so we potted it up again and moved it to a special place beside the park bench
that sits under our oak tree in the front yard. The plant continued to thrive,
but maybe more than we expected, because on yard day not long ago, we noticed
the palm had split its container, exposing a huge root ball that really needed
more room to grow. The problem was that Our Marriage was in the biggest pot we
could buy at Lowe's. Alas, there was only one thing to do. Chris
freed the plant from its pot and started hacking away at the root ball. We
planted half of the palm in the ground in its honored place by the park bench,
and the other half we put in another large pot. We watered the two halves of
Our Marriage and set the new pot in the back yard. We will have to leave half
of Our Marriage here when the time comes to move from this house, but we hope
that the new pot will grow strong and travel with us.
and I are watching to see how Our Marriage will stand up to the axe's work, but
not too closely. We know that plants are unpredictable, just as marriages are.
We will try to enjoy each day that the lizards jump from the palm's frond-like
leaves as we sit beside it on our park bench under the oak tree, grateful that
Our Marriage is surviving the axe of time. It's been six years since we split
Our Marriage, and as you can see, it's healthy as ever. Anyone want a